Our Learning

At Mount St Benedict College we are preparing our students to be women of competence, confidence and compassion equipped with the necessary skills to ensure:

  • life-long learning
  • independent learning
  • critical thinking and the desire for self reflection
  • a critical response to an ever changing world
  • a heightened responsibility for all we have
  • a keen sense of justice
  • compassion and care for others.

The curriculum at Mount St Benedict College has been developed in response to the diverse needs of the students. We offer a wide and stimulating range of programs to meet the needs of the individual.

Students are provided with opportunities to develop confidence in their use of technology both in and out of the classroom through the Learning Management System, Firefly. This provides students with the opportunity to continue to build their higher order thinking skills. All students use a laptop to help facilitate student-centred learning.

A realistic appreciation of interest, ability, challenge and career choice forms the basis for subject choices in Years 9 to 12. The student, in partnership with her parents and teachers, is able to clarify her understanding of her own abilities.

Key Learning Principles

At Mount St Benedict College we recognise and believe that:

  • all students have gifts and talents
  • all students are capable of learning
  • learning occurs at different rates and in different ways
  • the teacher is a critical factor in a student’s learning
  • learning and teaching need to take place in a context of high expectations
  • learning happens best when student-teacher relationships are based on mutual trust and respect
  • learning occurs best where student, home and school have a common goal, interact positively and are mutually supportive
  • our teaching is purposeful, challenging and connected to a student’s experience, stage of development and background
  • students take responsibility for their own learning
  • ongoing feedback is part of the process.