Our Mission

Inspired and informed by our Good Samaritan heritage, Mount St Benedict College educates young women in a Catholic community where all are encouraged to contribute with the gifts given to them to make a difference in the world.

In pursuing our Mission, Mount St Benedict College:

  • encourages students and community members to recognise God’s presence in their lives and to develop their spiritual life in the Benedictine tradition of simplicity, community and balance
  • embraces the Benedictine values of Pax, Hospitality and Stewardship
  • fosters in each student a desire to pursue personal excellence and fulfilment through life-long learning, reflection and sharing of her gifts and talents in service of others
  • challenges each student to listen, question and discern meaning in the search for truth, understanding and wisdom
  • responds to and supports the needs and interests of each student through a broad, flexible and innovative curriculum
  • provides an environment which allows girls to develop and affirm their strength as women of and for the world
  • nurtures and promotes respectful relationships
  • equips students to face life’s challenges with resourcefulness, confidence and compassion
  • stirs a personal and community response to injustice through reflection and action
  • instils in each student a responsibility to be active stewards of the environment and natural resources.